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They call us too sensitive, too dramatic, too serious, too weird, too dreamy, too MUCH…

Dear heart, you aren’t damaged.

Your sensitivity doesn’t need to be fixed.

Even though the overwhelming intensity of Earth’s drama — the oppression of the feminine, suffocating social conditioning, and spiritual dogma —  would have you believe so.

Life as an empath can feel heavy. I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be. Together, we can lighten the spiritual load you’re carrying…and radically transform the way you pursue your purpose, mission, and passion in the world.

I felt everyone’s everything, stumbling through life with a chronic buzz of anxiety and depression that was slowly depleting my health and my personal will.

Swallowing my voice and my feelings to conform with the status quo became so painful that something HAD to change.

If one more person rolled their eyes at my passion or told me to return to “reality” I was afraid I’d crawl into a hole and never come out again.

Yet, I was sick of watering myself down to try to blend in and be “normal.”

Everything changed when I took my sensitivity and turned it into my superpower.

We’ve been called Earth Angels, Light Warriors, Starseeds, Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children (even though we are now adults), Empaths, Highly Sensitive People, and Wise Ones, to name a few.

The sense that earth is calling us to a rescue mission is what brings us together. Managing life as a mystical soul on earth doesn’t have to be an empathic drag anymore.

What would it mean for you to have an instantaneous connection with your intuition? To have the exact instructions for your next step at a moments notice?

What if you could embrace that dreamy, magical part of your life to find very real support and love?

Take off the mask, beautiful rebel soul.

This is the first powerful step on the journey of a lifetime… to your magic, connection with your soul family, and the path to your truest self.

How would it feel on this 8 week empowering journey to…

              • Cut the puppet strings of others with clarity and calm, powerfully managing, claiming, and choosing your own energetic space.

              • Shift from wondering if anyone will ever truly see or know you to effortlessly and unapologetically radiating your true shining self out in the world… without needing a drink first!

              • Let go of awkwardness, fear, playing small, and feeling misunderstood to deeply knowing yourself and your magic, while connecting with Spirit daily.




Shift from groaning when you have to leave your Netflix binges or books to go “punch in” for social events or work to feeling like the star and director of your life movie, choosing your own adventure.

Release the despair and emptiness of this human experience and connect to life on a higher level, honoring your intuition and feeling soothed by the loving guidance of your soul family.

Let go of the suffering and discomfort from your growing, shifting spiritual upleveling to connect with like-minded, curious mystical misfits, exploring new concepts free from religious dogma and societal stigma, knowing you are not alone and you are free to own your rightful place right here, right now.

Release overwhelm and feeling stuck in the details, tossed by the low vibrations and chaos of others and step into manifesting and thriving, bringing the extraordinary life you’ve dreamed of into reality.


Mystical Mission Academy for Empaths - Curriculum

8 weeks to connect body and spirit, remember and radiate who you are at your core, and unite with your spiritual guides… while also connecting with a tribe of like-hearted, kindred travel companions.

Next session TBA. Join the mailing list to stay up to date.


How to adjust to your mission in earth’s environment, protect your energy, ground into your body, and adopt routines that help you release fear so you can feel SAFE. Here we explore the earth element and earth realms.


Re-kindle your creativity and release guilt so you can interact with others- sometimes- and set sacred boundaries to operate at your best. Boost joy & resilience to change as we explore the water element and water realms.


Tap into the Core of who you are and step INTO ego, release shame, embrace personal pride, and learn how to say “no” with love. Here we explore the fire element and fire realms.


Connect from your heart to your Soul Family/ Soul Star, release grief and over giving, and step into radical self-love. Here we explore the air element and air realms.


Your unique expression shines a light on your special earth mission. Release playing small, fitting in and hiding, and sing your truth. Here we explore voice & sound.


Connect with your intuition, open your third eye, and vibe with mission control. Here we explore intuitive practices and the star realms.


Embrace curiosity! Through open-minded explorations of Divine Source, integrate your whole self – both dark and light – to find wholeness and joy. Here we explore faith and possibility, connecting with Divine Source.

“But wait… there’s more!”

Your Bonuses!

Bonus #1: 7 x 10 minute meditations to connect with your soul family

Bonus #2: Space Clearing Class with Feng Shui Specialist, Lisa Morton for Good Chi

Bonus #3: Facebook Community to connect with like-hearted travel companions during the duration of the program

I can’t wait to see you there!


“Laura’s knowledge and teachings of the Chakras have been a key turning point to my spiritual journey. Her Light Your Chakra’s course is a constant resource I turn to. She is an inspiration and total joy to listen and I am grateful to have found her.”


“My experiences with Laura J Novak have been fantastic! Her knowledge is spot on and she always has suggestions. She always gives genuine care to each session we have. Laura’s overall happiness is so refreshing and contagious!”


“Laura is truly a caring and gifted healer. She makes you feel comfortable right from the start. Her gentle guiding through the Chakra layers allowed me to expand my own wisdom in a safe and comfortable way. She provided practical and specific self-care tools and suggestions to help with the deeper exploration of my individual chakra needs. Her passion and knowledge of aromatherapy is inspiring and by the end of each session you are left feeling well taken care of.”

- Jennifer

“With a caring and professional manner, Laura provides a safe and supportive environment for her energy work. Her knowledge and passion in this field are evident. As I was in a difficult place in my life, Laura took care to work sensitively and supportively with me. I felt safely guided on my healing journey.

Each session left me with the insight and clarity that I needed to view things from a fresh perspective as well as a sense of cleansed and renewed energy. I highly recommend Laura to anyone wishing to listen to their bodies and embark on their own healing journey.”


“I really enjoyed my healing session with Laura. Even though it was done virtually, I felt as though she was right there with me. I felt like the session was really personalized to my feelings and goals and it also went at my pace. We specifically focused on cord cutting during my session which brought me an overall feeling of relief. Laura has such a warm and caring energy and I look forward to my next healing session with her.

Now, I have a sense of power and strength back that had been gone for months.”

- Lisa


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