by Laura J Novak | May 14, 2019 | healing, True Self
Wrenched awake by blaring sirens, the eerie green stillness glows outside as a tornado rips its way closer. My first thought as the wind whips up is, “Where is my bra?” My worst nightmare is not the leveling of the awful tiny condo, it’s being interviewed as a tornado...
by Laura J Novak | Mar 1, 2018 | Poetry, True Self, Uncategorized
This is how you’ll know who the pretenders are. When they catch a moment of your humanity And turn their back on your friendship- How dare you be angry, irritable, breathe fire, be less than perfect. They build a wall between you And adjust their mask. That’s when you...
by Laura J Novak | Jan 24, 2018 | Mindfulness, Poetry, True Self
by Laura J Novak | Jan 1, 2017 | True Self, Uncategorized
You call me “flaky.” Well, Flake You. What you’ve labeled my “inability to commit to a path” is, in fact, a single-minded perseverance of integrity to the only path that matters- finding the true purpose of my soul. Julia Cameron has been my kindred spirit...